
The Architect

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  • Directed by Jonathan Parker
  • 2016, USA, 95 minutes, English

Jonathan Parker’s comedy stars Parker Posey and the ever-charming Eric McCormack as Drew and Colin, a Seattle couple looking to build on ocean view property the perfect home. For this, they need the perfect architect. What they get instead is Miles Moss, a talented but monstrous prima donna, wonderfully played by James Frain.

This satiric pot-boiler stirs healthy controversy by poking fun at one of architecture’s most defining quandaries: the productive tension between artistic liberty and economic constraint. As diverging dreams take shape—in words, on paper, in model, and on site—the trio get more than they bargained for. We hope the audience will too.

Take a tip from a reviewer for the Vancouver Sun:

“…make time for a drink or two afterwards because you will have plenty to discuss.”

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