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  • Directed by Doug Wilson
  • 2016, USA, 76 minutes, English

Linotype: The Film is a feature-length documentary centred around the Linotype type casting machine. Called the “Eighth Wonder of the World” by Thomas Edison, it revolutionized printing and society. The film tells the charming and emotional story of the people connected to the Linotype and how it impacted the world. 

The film tells the surprisingly emotional story of the people connected to the Linotype and how it impacted the world. Because of advances in technology, most Linotypes were scrapped and melted down by the thousands. Today, very few machines are still in existence.

What place does the Linotype have in the age of the iPad? Will the machine be abandoned in a museum and left to rust? Should anyone care about typography or the technology of communications? The film seeks to answer these questions.