2025 Film Competition – Call for Entries
What stories do buildings and urban landscapes tell? How can movies be used to tell them? The Architecture and Design Film Festival (A+DFF) invites you to enter a short film competition. Registration for the competition is free and open to all. Make a two-minute movie about architecture or the built environment for a chance to win great prizes and be featured in the only film festival in Canada that is dedicated to architecture and design.
Architecture is everywhere. Get creative in showing how a place—any place—can tell a story.
Downloads (PDF)
What to do?
- Make a two-minute movie about architecture or the built environment using any digital recording device such as a digital camera or smart phone. Feel free to make it humorous or serious, informative, enjoyably artful, or even absurd. (But keep in mind the films are intended for audiences of all ages. Any submissions deemed inappropriate for children will not be considered.)
- Complete the registration form.
- Use WeTransfer to email the film and registration form to by March 23, 2025. WeTransfer is a simple way to share files with no sign-up required. In the left message box, please enter the film title, filmmaker name, and age category. Allow time for uploading large files.
- Please join us for a free screening of entries at noon on Saturday, April 12, 2025.
What are the details?
- The competition has one category for adults and another for youth 18 and under. There is a maximum of 2 minutes per film and 2 films per filmmaker. The winners of both categories will be shown in the Festival.
- A+DFF is not responsible for copyright clearance for images or music. For soundtracks, the use of original or non-copyright (royalty-free) music is recommended. Films using copyright protected music will not be screened at the award ceremony.
- Movies must be titled (without names) and WeTransfered to by March 23, 2025.
- All participants will be emailed with results.
- As many entries as possible will be screened.
Any questions? Contact